Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, August 08, 2005


Here are several of Cavan's development milestones that we'd like to remember:'

2 weeks old
- reaches out for objects
- showed interest in books, newspapers, PDA. Got excited by kicking and waving arms when these are shown to him. Can maintain eye contact with these objects for a long while, as if reading contents.
- smiles...

5 weeks old
- same trademark expression when excited: waves arms and kicks legs. When overly excited, straighten arms and legs

7 weeks old
- reaches out for objects and wants to grab them.

8 weeks old (2 months)
- Lifts head when lying on stomach

9 weeks old
- babbles and 'talks' in vocab like "yea", "lah lah". Shrieks when excited

12 weeks old (3 months)
- grabs things. Able to hold own bottle.
- Laughs loudly
- smiles at anyone, even newscaster on TV

15 weeks
- turns from back to stomach
- neck stablilises but still jerky. Can carry upright without needing to support his head.

20 weeks old (4 months)
- flips several times. Head and neck more firm.
- sits with support
- likes to tap on things, on people and kick things

5 months old
- sits in baby chair

5 and half months old
- sings with good tempo and tune "Dada..."
- eats baby biscuits (1st solids)

6 months old
- eats porridge
- starts to scream loudly
- starts to discriminate against strangers
- object permanence
- makes funny faces

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